Magranons followers now have the attention of the forest spirits.
11-01-2025 18:48:51
Final joke in aid of Magranon has expired.
11-01-2025 12:08:48
Libila's run for treason has expired.
11-01-2025 12:08:34
11-01-2025 12:04:21
11-01-2025 11:58:04
11-01-2025 11:53:52
11-01-2025 11:49:40
11-01-2025 11:43:20
11-01-2025 11:39:07
11-01-2025 11:34:55
11-01-2025 11:28:36
11-01-2025 11:24:24
11-01-2025 11:18:05
11-01-2025 11:13:53
11-01-2025 11:09:41
11-01-2025 11:03:22
11-01-2025 10:59:10
11-01-2025 10:54:57
11-01-2025 10:48:35
Finds the shortest ridable or walkable path between any two points on the map. Land mode follows roads, avoids water and slopes where possible. Sea mode will avoid all landmass and only travel through water.
Routes may take 2 or 3 minutes to calculate, depending on your hardware.